Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Flower pillows

This mommy found something she thought was way too cute to pass up during one of her many internet explorations.  Flower pillows!  Of course the princess needs one (or fifty) for her room!  :)  This mommy found them at Come Together Kids and ran right out and bought some fleece!  The only thing this mommy did differently was she sewed all the petals on rather than hot glue making it washable (which is a definate must have for this mommy since the boy and the princess are messy beings!)  And this mommy did the center a little differently as well.  Took a bit longer but well worth it!  I mean how cute did these turn out?!?!...........

This mommy wants to make one in every color now!  Now go forth and make pillows, this mommy commands you!  :) 


  1. I found you through your comment on come together kids. I was also wanting to try making these pillows in a sewn version. Do you have any tips or tricks to share?

    1. First of all sorry I hadn't noticed this comment sooner, but the best way I found to sew was mark circles on the fleece circle so you can keep your petals going in a nice circle and not get off centered, and then I sewed one petal at a time rather than pinning a bunch at once. Starting from the petals farthest out from the center sew one on and as you get to the end of that petal add your next one along your circle line, don't forget to scrunch the center of each petal a bit while sewing. I hope this makes sense and helps. If you have any other questions just ask! :)
